Valuing the Speaker’s Experience of Stuttering: A Response to Nippold (373)

Robert “the Expert” Quesal

Robert “the Expert” Quesal joins Peter Reitzes to respond to Marilyn A. Nippold’s appearance last week on StutterTalk episode 372 in which she argued that focusing on overt stuttering should be the primary treatment goal for school-age children who stutter. Bob and Peter respond by discussing the importance of valuing the speaker’s experience of stuttering, valuing the common and often shared experiences of people who stutter and conducting research that comprehensively targets the needs of people who stutter. Bob shares his “car veering right analogy” to help listeners better appreciate and empathize with the speaker’s experience of stuttering.

ROBERT QUESAL, Ph.D., CCC-SLP is a professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders at Western Illinois University, a person who stutters, a board recognized fluency specialist and a fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Listed below are some of the articles and references mentioned during today’s episode. StutterTalk attempted to list them in the order they were mentioned on air.

  • Nippold, M. A. (2011). Stuttering in school-age children: A call for treatment research [From the editor]. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 42, 99-101.
  • Yaruss, J.S., Coleman, C.E., & Quesal, R. W. (2012). Stuttering in school-age children: A Comprehensive approach to treatment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 536-548.
  • Nippold, M. A. (2012). When a school-age child stutters, Let’s focus on the primary problemLanguage, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 549-551
  • Andrews, C., O’Briana, S., Harrison, E., Onslow, M., Packman, A., & Menzies, R. (2012). Syllable-timed speech treatment for school-age children who stutter: A phase I trial. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 43, 359-369
  • Starkweather, C.W. Fluency and stuttering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987.
  • Bloodstein, O. (1988). Science in communication disorders: Letter to the Editor. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 53, 347-351.