Honest Speech and Stuttering Hospitably (Ep. 488)

stuttering, StutterTalk
Erin Schick

Erin Schick and Joshua St. Pierre from the website Did I Stutter? (DIS) join Peter Reitzes to discuss stuttering issues. The conversation is consistent with the DIS mission of providing “an alternative way of thinking about speech and communication disabilities.” Topics include Ms. Schick’s Honest Speech video, self help and activism, person first language, stuttering in the workplace, speech therapy, stuttering hospitably and much more. Joshua and Erin were asked about a number of posts from the DIS blog

Erin Schick currently lives in Portland, Oregon where she is finishing a B.A. in sociology and looking forward to pursuing a Master’s of Social Work and working as a youth advocate. She is active in the poetry slam community and has competed in multiple national competitions, where she uses her voice to combat ableist attitudes and smash the patriarchy.

stuttering, StutterTalk
Joshua St. Pierre

Joshua St. Pierre lives in Alberta, Canada and has published on stuttering and communication both academically and non-academically. He is currently pursuing his PhD in philosophy. Joshua founded DIS with Zach Richter.


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